Torn From Her Arms

Based on a true story. Amidst the ongoing crisis at the U.S. border, this timely film depicts the harrowing true story of a mother and daughter who must find their way back to each other after being separated. Cindy and her six-year-old daughter, Ximena, fled violence in El Salvador, only to be separated at the border as a part of the Administration's Zero Tolerance Policy.

About the Movie

Torn From Her Arms is based on a true story, originally covered by the OZY editorial team. Amidst the ongoing crisis at the U.S. border, the timely film depicts the harrowing true story of a mother and daughter who must find their way back to each other after being separated. Judy Reyes (Devious Maids, Claws) takes on the role of Thelma Garcia, a Texas Immigration lawyer who works tirelessly to reunite the pair, and Gloria Reuben (Mr. Robot, ER) portrays Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist ProPublica reporter, Ginger Thompson, who broke the story. The movie follows Cindy Madrid (Fátima Molina, Who Killed Sara?) and her six-year-old daughter, Ximena (Camila Nuñez), who fled violence in El Salvador for safety in the U.S., only to be separated at the border as a part of the Administration’s Zero Tolerance Policy. Detained in detention centers in different states, Cindy and Ximena endured inhumane living conditions and inadequate medical care, but that was nothing compared to the emotional toll of being apart. Their story would gain national attention when a whistleblower leaked a gut-wrenching audiotape of six-year-old Ximena crying for her mother. The onslaught of media attention incited by Ginger’s story alerted the nation to the cruelties being committed against undocumented immigrant families at the border.

Torn From Her Arms is produced by OZY Media and Motion Picture Corporation of America. Executive producers are Brad Krevoy, Linda Berman, Carlos Watson, Lindsay Rodger, Amanda Phillips, Eric Jarboe and Steve McGlothen. Alan Jonsson Gavica directs from a script written by Tawnya Bhattacharya and Ali Laventhol. Originally covered by Ozy’s reporting arm, Torn From Her Arms marks Ozy’s first foray into scripted programming and an expansion of its television catalog.

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