The Christmas Gift

Inspired by a true story. Ten-year-old Wesley puts together a "Secret Santa" gift for a needy child and when ten-year-old Megan opens the package, she discovers an item that will have a huge impact on her life to come. Cut to present day: Megan (Michelle Trachtenberg) is no longer a little girl, but a driven and focused young woman and journalist. Yet, she's never been able to shake the desire to thank the person who sent her that heartfelt gift over a decade ago. Now, determined to prove herself to her editor, she's come up with the perfect piece to write for Christmas, and in doing so, finally find her "Secret Santa." What she doesn't know is that in the process, she might find a whole lot more. Also starring Sterling Sulieman, Rick Fox, Daniel Booko, and Marliss Amiea.

About the Movie

Inspired by a true story. Ten-year-old Wesley puts together a “Secret Santa” gift for a needy child and when ten-year-old Megan opens the package, she discovers an item that will have a huge impact on her life to come. Cut to present day: Megan (Michelle Trachtenberg) is no longer a little girl, but a driven and focused young woman and journalist. Yet, she’s never been able to shake the desire to thank the person who sent her that heartfelt gift over a decade ago. Now, determined to prove herself to her editor, she’s come up with the perfect piece to write for Christmas, and in doing so, finally find her “Secret Santa.” What she doesn’t know is that in the process, she might find a whole lot more. Also starring Sterling Sulieman, Rick Fox, Daniel Booko, and Marliss Amiea.

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