Pregnant at 17

Chelsea thinks her life is turning around until she discovers she is pregnant.

About the Movie

After witnessing a brutal crime, things are finally starting to look up for 17 year old high school dropout Chelsea. She’s fallen madly in love with Jeff, an older and accomplished man who is promising to give her the life she can only dream of; there’s only one hitch…he’s still married! To make matters worse, Chelsea finds out she is pregnant and Jeff wants nothing to do with the baby. Being withdrawn, Jeff’s wife Sonia suspects he is having an affair and discovers not only is the other woman just 17 but she is pregnant too. When Sonia meets Chelsea she feels sorry for her and decides to help her out but when a dark figure from Chelsea’s past returns it puts all three of them in danger, including her unborn baby! Josie Bissett, Zo De Grand Maison and Roark Critchlow star. (2015)

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