Ni'Cola realizes that her calling is to help disadvantaged girls.

About the Movie

Ni’Cola Mitchell, successful author, publisher and speaker, realizes at a book signing that her calling is to help disadvantaged girls. Ni’Cola understands what it is like to overcome huge hurdles in life including a difficult childhood and a cancer diagnosis, and after putting her own writing career on hold, she launches Girls Who Brunch, events designed to make young women feel seen and empowered. With the support of her sister Nene and daughters Diamond and Destani, she pours everything she has into the organization, including her own money and mobilizes volunteers, coaches and community leaders to help host events. Ni’Cola is named A Woman of Worth by L’Or al and sponsorship opportunities begin to come in, helping Girls Who Brunch expand nationally and travel to dozens of cities across the country, reaching tens of thousands of girls in the process. Stars Tatyana Ali, Nadine Whiteman Roden, Kudakwashe Rutendo, Mikalah Reid-Beckette, and Kayla Hutton (2023).

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