Every Other Holiday

Recently separated parents Tracie (Schuyler Fisk) and Rick (David Clayton Rogers), spend every other holiday with their young daughters Harper and Ava. But this Christmas, the girls have only one thing on their wish lists—to spend Christmas with both Mom and Dad at Tracie’s family farmhouse. The temporary reunion will be no walk in the park for Tracie and Rick, but perhaps this Christmas gathering can help rekindle the lost romance between the two and make their daughters’ greatest wish come true. "Every Other Holiday" also stars Dee Wallace, Glenn Morshower, Abby James Witherspoon and is produced by MarVista Entertainment.

About the Movie

Recently separated parents Tracie (Schuyler Fisk) and Rick (David Clayton Rogers), spend every other holiday with their young daughters Harper and Ava. But this Christmas, the girls have only one thing on their wish lists—to spend Christmas with both Mom and Dad at Tracie’s family farmhouse. The temporary reunion will be no walk in the park for Tracie and Rick, but perhaps this Christmas gathering can help rekindle the lost romance between the two and make their daughters’ greatest wish come true. “Every Other Holiday” also stars Dee Wallace, Glenn Morshower, Abby James Witherspoon and is produced by MarVista Entertainment.

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