Dancing Through the Snow

Michael (Colin Lawrence) is a devoted single father to 8-year-old Lily, an aspiring ballerina. After a video goes viral of them doing an adorable ballet routine, women everywhere want to date him, but he only has eyes for Olivia (AnnaLynne McCord).

About the Movie

Michael Foster (Colin Lawrence) is a firefighter and devoted single father to 8- year-old Lily (Bianca Lawrence), an aspiring ballerina. After a video goes viral of Michael and Lily doing an adorable ballet routine, Michael becomes the most eligible bachelor, as women everywhere want to date this adorable Dad. However, the only woman Michael has eyes for is Lily’s ballet teacher, Olivia (AnnaLynne McCord). Will Michael be able to dance his way into Olivia’s heart?

Dancing Through the Snow is produced by Champlain Media. Barbara Fisher, Tom Berry and Gilles Laplante serve as executive producers. Paul Shapiro directs from a script by Adam Rockoff.

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