Allison Bennet (Rachel Boston), along with her daughter Olivia and mother Martha (Patricia Richardson), run a bakery in the small mountain town of White Pines, Tennessee. When Matthew (Andrew Walker), a charming real estate developer, tries to buy the town for a corporate ski resort, Allison and the townspeople must work together to prevent that from happening. And just when the Bennet ladies seem out of luck, an unexpected visitor—with a well-known sweet tooth for cookies and milk—comes to the bakery and may in fact be the key to solving everything. "A Christmas in Tennessee" is produced by Smokey Mountain Films Inc. and Juliette Hagopian. Howard Braunstein serves as executive producer. Gary Yates directs with a script written by Cassie Doyle.

About the Movie

Allison Bennet (Rachel Boston), along with her daughter Olivia and mother Martha (Patricia Richardson), run a bakery in the small mountain town of White Pines, Tennessee. When Matthew (Andrew Walker), a charming real estate developer, tries to buy the town for a corporate ski resort, Allison and the townspeople must work together to prevent that from happening. And just when the Bennet ladies seem out of luck, an unexpected visitor—with a well-known sweet tooth for cookies and milk—comes to the bakery and may in fact be the key to solving everything. “A Christmas in Tennessee” is produced by Smokey Mountain Films Inc. and Juliette Hagopian. Howard Braunstein serves as executive producer. Gary Yates directs with a script written by Cassie Doyle.

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