How To Disable Your Adblocker

Google Chrome

Using AdBlock Plus

  • Select the Adblock Plus icon, located on the top right corner of your browser. (It looks like a stop sign with the letters “ABP” in the center.)
  • A drop-down menu will appear.
  • Select Enabled on this site.
  • The text should change to Disabled on this site.
  • Refresh/reload the web page.
  • The color of the icon should change from red to grey, indicating that the site is approved to show ads.

Using Chrome adblock extension

  • Select the icon for adblock extension, located on the top right corner of your browser. (It looks like a stop sign with the image of a raised hand in its center.)
  • A drop-down menu will appear.
  • Select Don’t run on pages on this domain.
  • A settings menu will appear.
  • To confirm your choice, select the Exclude button.
  • Refresh/reload the web page.
  • The icon’s color should change from red to green and the image of the hand should change to a thumbs-up, indicating that the site is approved to show ads.

Using Ghostery

  • Select the blue Ghostery icon, located on the top right corner of your browser.
  • A drop-down menu will appear.
  • Select Trust Site.
  • You will see a confirmation message letting you know the site has been trusted.
  • Refresh/reload the web page.
  • The color of the Ghostery icon should change from blue to grey indicating that the site is approved to show ads.

Microsoft Edge

  • Open the Edge browser. Click the three-dot setting icon and select Extensions.
  • Find the AdBlock extension and click the geared setting icon.

  • Toggle AdBlock from on to off.


Using AdBlock Plus

  • Select the Adblock Plus icon, located on the top right corner of your browser. (It looks like a stop sign with the letters “ABP” in the center.)
  • A drop-down menu will appear.
  • Select Disable on
  • Refresh/reload the web page.
  • The color of the icon should change from red to grey, indicating that the site is approved to show ads.

Using Ghostery

  • Select the blue Ghostery icon, located on the top right corner of your browser.
  • A drop-down menu will appear.
  • Select Trust Site.
  • You will see a confirmation message telling you to reload the page.
  • Refresh/reload the web page.
  • The color of the Ghostery icon should change from blue to grey indicating that the site is approved to show ads.
*Important: Firefox “Private Window” runs its own adblocker. You will receive our adblock detection message on a private window, even if you are not running any adblockers. In this instance, you will need to open in a standard Firefox window instead of a private one.

Devices with Apple iOS11 and above

  • Open the Settings app (typically located on the device’s main screen).
  • Scroll down and select Safari.
  • From Safari’s General menu, make sure Block All Cookies is not selected