Your Family Or Your Life

Dr. Kathy Meyer’s perfect world is turned upside down after husband David, a successful civil attorney, is found dead in their home of an apparent suicide.

About the Movie

Dr. Kathy Meyer’s (Jennie Garth) perfect world is turned upside down after husband David (Alexander Carroll), a successful civil attorney, is found dead in their home of an apparent suicide. It’s an open and shut case for the police, but for Kathy it’s an impossibility and David’s strangely worded suicide note points toward foul play. With the help of her daughter April (Luca Bella) and best friend Michelle (Alexandra LeMosle), Kathy decides to investigate and soon discovers that her husband had uncovered damaging information exposing a billionaire banker. Now Kathy must not only catch her husband’s killer but must make sure she and her daughter aren’t the next victims.

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