Tracking a Killer

Ever since her father's death, Haley has struggled with anger management but finds solace in running with her friends Elaina and Abby on their high school track team. But when Abby is found dead in the locker room after a particularly heated argument with Haley, the cops pin the murder on Haley and place her under house arrest. Haley is adamant she's innocent. As her mom Michelle tries to figure out who could have framed her daughter, the assistant track coach also turns up dead, and Haley's DNA is all over the crime scene. After Haley goes missing, Michelle must work quickly to find her daughter and discover the truth behind the mysterious deaths before Haley or anyone else gets hurt. Laurie Fortier, Jane Dillon, Huntington Daly, Ashton Leigh, Sahara Ale, Rachel Ogechi Kanu star. (2021)

About the Movie

Ever since her father’s death, Haley has struggled with anger management but finds solace in running with her friends Elaina and Abby on their high school track team. But when Abby is found dead in the locker room after a particularly heated argument with Haley, the cops pin the murder on Haley and place her under house arrest. Haley is adamant she’s innocent. As her mom Michelle tries to figure out who could have framed her daughter, the assistant track coach also turns up dead, and Haley’s DNA is all over the crime scene. After Haley goes missing, Michelle must work quickly to find her daughter and discover the truth behind the mysterious deaths before Haley or anyone else gets hurt. Laurie Fortier, Jane Dillon, Huntington Daly, Ashton Leigh, Sahara Ale, Rachel Ogechi Kanu star. (2021)

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