Rochelle Sellers is medically retired law enforcement officer who is secluded after a highly publicized trial where she identified a law enforcement officer in a crime.

About the Movie

Medically retired law enforcement officer, Rochelle Sellers, secluded after a highly publicized trial where she identified a law enforcement officer in a crime, spends most of her time working from home, consulting, in hopes for a new start. After being ostracized by her former department, she lost everything, and now she resides with her father where she is his primary caretaker. It’s a lonely life, but Rochelle accepts it. As she settles into her normalcy, Rochelle’s world is turned around, when a new neighbor moves in next door. She is instantly fascinated by him. He looks like something straight out of her dreams. One night she unintentionally gets his attention, and something happens. The mysterious, sexy, and edgy stranger becomes interested in her, obsessively so. What started as a fantasy crush elevates into a dangerous game that risks far more than heartbreak. This stranger is much more than he seems. Stars Vicky Jeudy, Skyh Alvester Black, Tim Reid, and Tyra Tucker (2023).

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