For Love Or Murder

Premieres Friday, October 22 at 8/7c on LMN

Wedding planner Angie is surprised when her estranged brother, Michael, comes to their parents' funeral with his fiance, Olivia. Hoping to repair their relationship, Angie agrees to help Michael and Olivia plan their wedding.

About the Movie

Wedding planner Angie is surprised when her estranged brother, Michael, comes to their parents’ funeral with his fiance, Olivia. Hoping to repair their relationship, Angie agrees to help Michael and Olivia plan their wedding. Soon, Angie is wrapped up in the drama of Olivia and her bridesmaids, one of whom accuses Olivia of murdering her husband. But when the bridesmaid is found dead, Angie becomes suspicious of Olivia, especially when she learns Olivia previously dated a millionaire who died from a nasty “fall.” With this news and Olivia’s constant questions about Angie’s parents’ will, Angie is convinced Olivia is only after Michael’s money. Unable to convince Michael of his fiance’s true nature, Angie decides she must get proof on her own, or risk her family becoming another pawn in Olivia’s deadly game. Kristen Vaganos, Benedict Mazurek, Maddison Bullock star. (2021)

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